Break your photography comfort zone

food,photoshoot, practice, photography, creative shots, food photography,
Today I decided to make something new, and break out of the creative crushing comfort zone. 

food,photoshoot, practice, photography, creative shots, food photography,
I had to come up with something that was the complete opposite of what I would shoot. Food felt like a great idea... to me, but for the life me I could not think of what food? I looked in the fridge and in the cabinets. I just started grabbing stuff, and these are the things I had to work with.
food,photoshoot, practice, photography, creative shots, food photography,
Now we have the products, now to come up with the concept. How should the products be positioned, how should they be lit and how should I shoot the photo. The products really got me out of my comfort zone and it felt great to be thinking on a new creative level. Try it out for yourself. Do something that breaks that comfort zone and have fun with it. Check you on the next one.

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